
29 September 2008

Dear readers

Ha ha. Just came back from work, and what a work it was! Supposed to go and meet Randy and the others for some "hanging-out" (didn't know when i started hanging out) at night, but turned him down cause knew that i'll be zzzz
-.- zzz
Yeah tired... Notice that i've just changed my blog title as well. So this is Da' Love Goondu Speaking. Today i'll smell on 2 topics i've been thinking for awhile...
  • Difference between Men and Woomen
  • The 1st Dimension, 2nd Dimension and 3rd Dimension analogy
Let's begin with the starting topic shall we? *hint: you can't say no*
You've heard of racism and religonism (made that up). Now we're back to sexism??? Anyways I've browsed through (yes in popular and libraries) several books pertaining to the discrimination of the different sexes or gender (for PG people). Or so it seems? In this modern era, i doubt any bloggers would say that male species are dominant than the opposite gender. But it was only around 40 years ago (wow, Singapore was just 3 years old then) where discrimination was sought out in different countries, yes sought out. Can't remember the specific countries though, but i clearly remembered South Africa and England. Men were given more opportunities to study and participate in sports, women on the other hand were shut back at home, forced to do housework, taking care of children etc. Not that saying either of these is bad, it was more of a Must. During that era, many so-called freedom fighters emerged and were determined to obtain "freedom of genders". Then soon after, this Must slowly but surely got batten down and became a Should. We're somewhat at the edge of this Should era...
-content check: Should era refers to the time frame where a guy is EXPECTED to be macho + active and a gal to be graceful and delicate-
... moving off to a more normalize generation. Hey wait wait wait, not so fast. We haven't really finished the first part right?
A quick history of men and women. In the past (way way way way way... past), men were often the people that hunt for food. They developed skills and to aim far distances, manage with tools, become muscular and act fast or irrational (sometimes). They didn't have time to meddle with needy grity stuffs or change diapers! So men find their worth in the appreciation of women. Women? Since they needn't worry alot of their main supply of food, they often went out to socialise with other women and collect fruits, take care of children and do meals. They find their worth through men's appreciation.
Overall... Men goes out to hunt for animal in a barbaric manner, women goes tidy house and collect fruits, men returns with catch of the day, women shows appreciation by allow men to rest well and sit around the fire while preparing meals and exchanging fruits for meat, men then offers more to show appreciation.

Hmmm. Okay, you should be like ARGH wth am i reading Paul's stupid blog entry for. Good for you if you're having this now. Means you're really reading my rubbish. Ha ha XD"

Now to my next topic... I got this inspiration from talking with my VE mates after the first recording =)
This would be 1D or 1st dimension as we know it. I prefer to call it 1D as 1 Dot. This is a pathetic black dot in a space of white box. Many of us tries to be over-individualistic and gets emo-ed into a world without anyone else. That's 1D you're facing.
  • Lots of moving space
  • Freedom
  • Need to "appear"/"be there"
  • Lonely; Makes it hard to do something

Ah. Now we move on to 2D, as many of you already have background knowledge, that 2D refers to lifeless drawings on a flat piece of paper for example. Looks a lil' bit like a sotong right? Ha ha. Ok serious. The two dots represents a person, and both of them are in the same white box now. Somehow they'll interact with each other no matter what. And it is represented by the connecting lines. Some smooth straight and direct, others indirect and go a big round, while there are even some routes that has alot of obstacles till both dots need to sacrifice alot to finally get good interaction with each other.
This type relationship most durable and hard to break if it forms.

  • Have a support from a close friend
  • Won't be lonely in doing things
  • Low no. of different interaction with each other. (means BORING!)
  • Both might over depend on each other, and if one poof, another would follow.

And we're down to our last dimension, the 3D. Or in other words, reality...
Now there're three dots in a same box and they makes interaction lines.

  • High support for each other
  • Steady in whatever things
  • Bond readily form if another breaks
  • May get too squeezey
  • Each distance between each dot and the length + thickness of the interaction line is super imtportant which might cause jealousy and envious.

Har, that kinda concludes it. Okay, better not nagged too much le. Human attention span is only this much (or lesser), so i'll end it here now.

Hey remember, i just worked and really tired to crap out any jokes. ha ha. F1 racing audience are really irritating =="

Commitment is something i cannot commit to...

Here, let me end off with this song i found Colin's blog. Really what i wanna scream out each night i dream of you =="

Why do i go crazy
Each time i think of you BABY?

Dies off... but not before i get Nick that present =P

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