
30 July 2008

Dear readers. It has been awhile since i posted. Awww, bad blogging practices...

First thing first. I'm really dead tired. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Physical: I've just rushed my Principles of Clinical Trials slides and report yesterday from after VE (2300) till 5am...
Emotional: Made a promise to someone, keeping it is not easy and is strainous. And got slap back by a comment that all is forgotten. I think is for the best, and normally it stinks right in my face. This area is where the scars of my heart deepens...
Mental: Try 6 hours of pure work and the next day you are required to do a presentation to the whole cohort. Kills 1.0 X 100000 brain cells. And emotional damage do play a role, in both origins of friends and families. Basically there's a thin line between me and people at IMH.
Spiritual: I'm not getting anywhere. I don't know is it i don't want to, or is it i can't move on till i do something first. I just want to live!

Took it from my house bus-stop. Just want to compare my camera quality with the past. Looks like mine meeting its grave soon. The picture taken at that point of time was raining, heavily. You see any water?

Fast moving pictures. Still looks the same, cause i can't capture nothing anyways. Lolx. Appeton, take one pill a day to provide love and nourishment to every part of your body =P

Ahhhhhhhh, who's that? Oh can't recognise under the light. RAWR i'm two-faced freak! Wahhaha!

Cam-whoring with my shadow at Mac while waiting for Denny to help me out with my laptop RO. Some mis-routing that's all. Lol. Thanks again =) Still owe you a treat for fixing my com!


o o

Catching the light ball with my shadow hand.

Grabbing the light ball now.

Ok, i'm embarrased, so i was bored and cam-whore with my shadow. Ha ha, waited for Denny quite a while also. Oh, i had double chocolate fodzale or something like that. Tasted very sweet in the mouth and sinful to the waist >.< Oh man, i really need to slim as in bamboo stick down...

Arrrrgggghhhh. *Comencing genetic transferance from JeeOnn, Nick, Denny to Host (Paul)*
*operation failed due to the massive amount of adipose tissues found in host body*
Paul >=( - Damnit!

Signing out

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