
08 August 2008

Dear readers...

To denny,
Just an encouragement... that there are other places to seek out that other than from home. Cause this is your home now, and there are always friends and "cooler" friends to love you. Ha ha, may not in a hugging mushy way. But in a Stand-up-for you kind of way =)

And to another topic...

Ha ha. What crap. *Ticks [STRONGLY DISAGREE] in feedback form*

Never use "Never" or "forever". Some how, "i'll never be angry at you" and "i'll forever be your friend" doesn't make sense to me any more. Please just say that you've interchanged those two underline words, and stop doing this. It's either you are or you are not. Simple.

I really can't find the love. And it's really bugging me. Each time i try sooooooo hard, to just outline the group of red-orange bugs, i haven't even finished and you just either spoil it or ruin it. You deserve much better than this, and so do I. It's really painful for me, and probably haunting for you. Solution is just in front of us, yet too cowardice, afraid of failure. But is only because of failures, and because of not forgetting these failures that help us grow!

I'm so gonna get ignored for this. However, i still cherish every ouch of you. Ha ha. If music is the food of love, let me have plenty of it!

Hugging myself...

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