
07 October 2008

Dear readers..

Hee hee, just a small detail that i missed out in my previous post. I've watched painted skin also with Nick and Joe on that day =) hehe. About this movie, i guess the trailer is quite misleading (as usual), i don't know why they focused so much on this figure ^ Since she only appears screaming like 10min of the show then "dies"... oops a spoiler... It's your typical chinese journey-to-the-west love story with a little magic here and there plus chinese demons etc... At least i enjoyed the movie, i wonder how Nick felt about it, since he's an ang mo and all. Ha ha, sorry Nick, we'll watch an English show next time okay? Ha ha...

Love goondu's corner
Recently facing a stress force that i found similar again. I hate this kind of pressure on me. It's those kind when your inner respect fights with your inner self-rightousness... I've learnt something as well, the WORLD is relative but God's way is absolute. Meaning there's no such thing as a small sin, big sin, small compromise or big compromise. It's either right or wrong. Try applying that, and the first problem you would face is?? World-related issues like peer pressure etc...

This brings to another topic: why christian may see peircing ear as a wrong-doing?
Uh huh... Yes, there's nothing wrong with piercing your body you may say. *here comes Father Paul preaching* Two main reasons...
1. Our body is supposed to be holy. In other words sacred. Be it worldly terms or erm heavenly, it's our only body made in this special manner for each and every individual on Earth.
2. Piercing ear, this act is seen as accepting the world. In other world belonging to the world customs. It is said that we're not of this Earth but just passing through only, and we cannot serve two masters. In Christian terms, means serving either to Man or God, not both. Anywhos, to balence the other side of the scale, not saying that it's a sin or anything. But doing it for the sake of being recognised in a group or feeling "popular" would be guilty of following the World, what else would you want to pierce your ears for???

This would sum up today's post. Thanks for reading another episode of Paul, Da' Love Goondu. Brought to you by !n5p!r@t!0N, and sponsered by See you next time same web address same browser... tata~

Ooff off...

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