
25 February 2009

Dear blog

Recently didn't have much time to blog properly. Loads of stuffs happening and going on in my mind. So where shall i start?

Here then :) I just caught Slumdog Millionaire yesterday with Wesley at The Cathay. And we got all the way till K6 and K5 seats = =" Fortunately, our necks weren't strained. Ha ha. I loved the show very much! And for those who didn't watch this, you missed out a whole lot of romance, hatred and joy. Ha ha. The three characters were Jamal, Silm, and Latika. It's one of those setting in present but have flashbacks of the past sort of film. Loved 1 line in the movie when Jamal searched for Latika...

Jamal: Latika *Looks her in the eye* I really love you...
Latika: So what? You can't do anything about it. *Glancing away*
Latika's master storms in and demands a sandwich.

It's true isn't it? It's like no point. I love you. You love me. But in reality, we can't be together. This kinda came as a slap to my face. To remind me the sour edge of love.

Jamal: It's our destiny [to be together].

Ha ha. Such endings only happen in a 120min movie lah. Doesn't happen in real life at all. I love duets, and especially piano pieces... The two pairs of hand feeding in surges of emotion to a piece of song. Both complimenting each other at the same time. Wow...

Christine: Say you need me with you here and always.
Christine: Say you love me...
Raoul: know i do.
Both: That's all i ask of you...

Christine: Promise me, that all you say is true...
Both: That's all i ask of you...

Signing out

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