
20 March 2009

Dear blog

Watched Push at Causeway Point Cathay with Shin today. Oh, it was rather exhilarating with the plot and graphics. And the "pushers" are the people with the ability to put memories into you. Wow. Here's a quick summary of the powers in the show(hee hee, i like sci-fiction stories)...
Pushers- Can put thoughts/memories into people's mind, hence controlling them.
"Forcers"- Can use the force (somewhat similar to star wars).
Watchers- See the future from people's intention.
Sniffers- Can track anyone from objects they have as well as what they've done.
Shadowers- Blocks sniffers and to a certain extent watchers powers working in a certain radius around them that they "shadow".
"Memory erasers"- self-explanatory. Done with hand contact to the head.
Shifters- Can change an object appearance temporary (totally awesome!).

Yup and that's it.

Oh today was the first time i woke up so late, at 2pm and nearly late for the movie =X Fortunately Shin was more late =) hehe. There new camp photos as well. Aiyo, lazy to update all. Will put some of them up soon. In the mean time, i'm rather lazy to blog. Ha ha. Till next time!

Time to lose weight le!
2kg/month TARGET...

Signing out

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