
07 November 2007

Good afternoon ah. Very typical afternoon, birds are chirpping, water droplets are condensing to become clouds, and the proteins formed in my body are folding correctly! Ah, the wonders of life, i can keep going on ya know. Wahaha. Why i so happy arh? Orh, cause i just finished my molecular genetics test 1 today, Yeah! It's molecular genetics down! Muahahah. I ROX!!!

No matter about school. Currently at macdonald's, yeah, the one and only. Hmmm, and i'm gonna run today, nope not away from school but in school. Yup, you've heard it right, unhealthy obese Paul is finally exercising after all those pasta, fillet-o-fish, chicken chops, and omg i better stop. (so many sins, so little time to repent)... By the way, i decided to get lame again and carried the photocopy machine. Wakaka, i'm strong! Picture taken in the library printing corner. Luckily, no one there if not all staring why my hands in mid air taking space. Lol, yeah. Next time you see people like taking camera with something in between, don't disturb yeah? Could be something dam seriously good brainwave creativeness. Oh yeah, i'll be running le! Zhao lor. Hehe chaos

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