
13 October 2008

Dear readers...

For some unforeseen and rather irrirating reasons blogger doesn't allow me to put up pics... RAWR!!!

First day of school, and what do i have to say about it? I'll just rant about it for a few sentences ;D

I came to school at 1000, okay so i was late for my FYP/IAP. As soon as i stepped unto the escalator to school, Ms Leong Ai Lin (some big lecturer) called come to arrange my modules with her. I was feeling o_O ~this is gonna bite me in the back somehow. Approached her with caution haha as usual got into a casual talk with her, did my modules registration yeah it's uber "early". So i have 2 repeat modules:
CL2202 Bioinfomatics (OMG OMG OMG of all the modules to retake)
CL2201 Molecular Genetics (ARGGGH another stupid module)

And my time table is... (i can type it out, you would see why)...
1100-1300 Bioinfomatics
0800-1000 Essentials of Business Management (got link to science?)
1300-1500 Molecular Genetics
0800-0900 Essentials of Business Management
0900-1100 Molecular Genetics
1100-1300 Communication Skills 2 (another weird 1)
1500-1700 Bioinfomatics

... and that's it!!!
Please go WHAT THE F**K now.

What's worse is that, i need to forfeit my FYP/IAP and postpone it to next semester. Hey wait a minute, doesn't that means i've spent 5 weeks of my holiday in school??? Let's go 2nd time, WHAT THE F**K! Fine, i'll just have to arrange with my supervisor Ms Cherine Tan. Hopefully all is well... sigh

Now i'm at Macs, and some singer is singing some random chinese song =X Bloody horrible especially the high notes. Don't they know why those top-notch singers need to pull the mic away for high notes? BLEAH! Ya no more vulgarities. But i really can't stand see things happen, when I CAN MAKE IT BETTER myself. Then again, i shouldn't be that busybody or an arrogant bastard, not saying that i'm not already am. Negative times negatives gives more negatives, read it again slowly.

Hoping or hopping to a life that is more peaceful. I'll always be incline to keep looking towards Block B, C and D.

Thankies much for you reading this much till this ending. Pictures don't have i sorry. Rant finished... Paul is thinking of you... who me? Yes you! Couldn't be ;X Then who???

Stealing cookies

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